Whether you are craving deep and earnest connection, drawn out over hours and days of sinking into each other’s company, or just a brief escape into something transcendent, I can’t wait to welcome you into my world. Brimming over with playful sensuality, I’m a lover of the delicate and the odd, with an infectious laugh and eyes you can get lost in. 

When you meet me, you’ll find natural curves, a petite frame, long blonde hair, and thoughtful grey blue eyes. With a scattering of tattoos I can’t wait for you to discover, you can find me dancing the line between dream and oh so very real.

I have been honored to find myself entangled with people of all genders, bodies, abilities, races, sexualities, and levels of experience.
You are welcome and cherished in my world.

age: mid twenties
hair: soft blonde waves
adornments: greyscale tattoos, delicate gold piercings
sizes: S-M | 6-8 | 34D
shoe size: 7.5 US
coffee: iced oat milk latte
drinks: sipping tequila or mezcal
colors: black, cream, brown, sage green
flowers: baby’s breath, eucalyptus, wild roses
jewels: ethically sourced diamonds, pearls, moss agate, and smoky quartz, set with 14k gold
books: art history, high fantasy, queer theory, and sociology